PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder
You looking to find the "PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder" Good news! You can purchase PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.Price:
Product Feature
- Delivers twice the voltage to the spark plugs, increasing horsepower, fuel economy, and spark plug life
- 2:1 improvement over points in current fall time for increased coil output
- Rotating cobalt magnets trigger a Hall Effect integrated circuit no points to burn, no moving parts to wear out
- Epoxy molding makes our module impervious to dirt, oil, grease and moisture
- Stable timing no need for any adjustments
Product Description
For over thirty years, the Ignitor has proven itself in applications ranging from race cars to tractors. The Ignitor replaces breaker points and troublesome factory electronic ignitions with a dependable, self contained and maintenance free electronic ignition system. The Ignitor has been called the stealth ignition because of its quick installation and nearly undetectable presence under your distributor cap. There is no black-box to clutter the engine compartment. For optimal performance, use the Ignitor with Flame-Thrower 40,000 volt coils.PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder Review
I installed this in a Farmall 300 to replace the points/condenser. Very easy to install... Pertronix provided everything. The distributor used on this Farmall 300 did require some slight modification to get this kit installed... I had to make a 1" dia. counterbore on the back side of the plastic spark plate (plate under the rotor) about 1/16" deep and had to file off about 1/16" from the end of the magnet cap included with the Pertronix kit. When I first installed the magnet cap over the rotor post, it was too tall and the distributor cap could not be installed. These modifications allowed it to install properly. Otherwise, the mounting plate just dropped right. Once installed, I saw immediate improvement in starting and running performance--I had been having trouble with it missing when cold and under load... no longer an issue! I'm a VERY HAPPY customer and plan to order a kit for my other two tractors as well.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from PerTronix 1442 Ignitor for IHC 4 Cylinder ...
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